prescribed burn plan example

For example, State Certified Prescribed Burn Managers are required to write smoke management plans before they begin a burn. Determining your management objectives will dictate how, when, and how often you burn. Prepared by: CSFS-Golden District If not, get insurance from a private insurance company; for example, Outdoor Underwriters specializes in this type of policy. within those boundaries. USDA Prescribed Burn – 338 KS-ECS-338 NRCS 7/03 Name: Example Date Plan Developed: 4/24/2010 Ident No. Over the next several years, the Fire Council carried out the following activities: Compiled a list of prescribed burn practitioners. As the students gathered into the wood-paneled classroom at the Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center at Ichauway, Mark Melvin bit his lip. Example By-Laws. boundaries, burn unit location, fire breaks, fire and smoke hazards, escape routes, safety zones, water resources, fences (and gates). A burn plan can be used to show the amount of diligence and care used in planning and conducting the burn if some type of liability issue occurs. 2021 Grassland Planner (PDF; 62.1 MB) Hard copies are available by contacting or calling the state office at (605) 352-1200 . If conditions do not meet param-eters set forth in the burn plan, do not burn even if a burning permit is issued. Prescribed burn plans are valid only for the location and time frame planned. PLAN AUTHOR Name: Phone: Email: The approved Prescribed Fire Plan constitutes the authority to burn, pending approval of Section 7 Consultations, Environmental Assessments, or other required documents. Example of Pre Burn-Season Notification: The following is intended as an example of a direct mailing to neighbors and holders of easements on DNR lands preceding a prescribed burn. Florida's Smoke Management Plan (SMP) is used to establish parameters for prescribed fires, such as size, wind speed and direction, and distance to monitors or populations sensitive to smoke. A prescribed burn should have a defined purpose. Determine if your farm/timberland insurance policy covers prescribed burns. Several things must exist for a person to consistently conduct safe and effective prescribed fires or controlled burns. Prescribed Fire: A controlled burn applied to a forest, brush, or grassland vegetative fuels under specified environmental conditions and precautions which cause the fire to be confined to a predetermined area and allow accomplishment of the planned land management objectives. Custom Essay writing Example 2. Learn about any current burn bans, view VDOF’s Burn Ban Map. The Prescribed Burn Manager's Certification # must be entered. 2. To conduct the exercise, the cadre must choose one of the three methods listed below (a live burn using a local burn plan is preferred): • Method 1: Local burn plan (actual live burn) A burn plan can help landowners hold a prescribed burn safely. A proper burn plan should include a variety of different sections. Spotfire Probability. ! Prescribed fire is used only when temperature, humidity, wind speed and fuel moisture are within the prescribed fire plan parameters. All prescribed burn areas will be patrolled during and following ignitions. A burn boss is a certified burn manager who has had advanced training and experience that can plan and implement the prescribed fire. Burn Managers should develop a prescribed burn plan. Ignition plan and/or firing sequence (see plan map) _____ * Parties igniting a prescribed burn may be liable for damages resulting from the fire and control cost, should fire escape the designated area. Authorization obtained. ADEQ's Air Quality Division implements a Smoke Management Plan that works toward a reduction in smoke impacts due to prescribed/controlled burning of nonagricultural fuels with particular regard to heavy forest fuels. Every prescribed burn should have a clear objective. Prescribed fire implementation plans (burn plans) establish a set of environmental conditions (the prescrip-tion) under which the burn has a high likelihood of meeting project objectives (National Wildfire Coordinat-ing Group 2017). The full prescription can be found in the burn plan. FIRE BOSS: Initial each item to indicate compliance. Operational resources (personnel and equipment) for burn … Planning a Prescribed Burn. This Prescribed Burn Plan must be completed by a Certified Prescribed Burn Manager and signed/dated by the person completing this Plan. Dr. Charles “Butch” Taylor, Superintendent at the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station of TAMU explains how the objectives of the burn plan determine the timing of the prescribed fire operation. Such changes require approval by the agency official(s) responsible for approving the prescribed burn plan. Fire benefits numerous wildlife species. Prescribed burns are completed in cooperation with the Oregon Department of Forestry smoke management plan. Prescribed fire is always planned and managed by fire practitioners who are present to manage the burn. No one has the authority to burn without an approved plan or in a manner not in compliance with the approved plan. TECHNICAL PROJECT. Prescribed Fire Name: Columbia Basin Reg. Volunteer fire departments should be notified of the burn date(s) and burn plan. management of prescribed burn smoke emissions. The Purpose of a Burn Plan Burn plans are a critical component of any prescribed burn. Requisite Knowledge . If the plan … The following template is an example of the accepted burn plan utilized by the TDF. These groups get educated on burn safety and the need for having a burn plan. Prescribed Burn Plan Example (PDF; 478 KB) Prescribed Burn Plan Template. The objective is to prescribe burns on … Agency: Please provide the name of the Agency that is responsible for conducting the prescribed burn. This Prescribed Fire Plan is valid for five years from the final Agency Administrator approval date: No one has the authority to burn without an approved prescribed fire plan, associated permits, delegated burn boss authority or in a manner not in compliance with the approved plan and State of Colorado prescribed fire policy . Smoke screening performed and documented. The mission of the Texas Panhandle Prescribed Burn Association is to provide the tools, training, education, and resources to its members to conduct prescribed burns in a safe and effective manner. These direct mailings should be issued roughly 30 days prior to the planned date of the burn. The Florida Forest Service is the first in the nation to offer an internet-based Smoke Screening Tool that uses computer models and forecasted weather data to view potential impacts from a … MN DNR Prescribed Burn Unit Plan NA-01990-04 Burn Unit Name and ID: Crow Hassan Unit 16 Smoke Management Plan (Describe how you intend to mitigate the effects of smoke on roads, firefighters, neighbors and other sensitive receptors. : B Date burn will be implemented: 4/21/2010 Burn Permit Required: Yes No (Contact county offices for information on the requirements for legal burns in … Describe methods of monitoring fire behavior and managing resources to meet objectives 2. A Certified Prescribed Burn Manager must prepare this Prescribed Burn Unit Plan and be on site during the Prescribed Burn until it is completed. a burn typical to the Jungle Prescribed Fire would be to have extra resources on hand— more than just contingency resources. a written burn plan and that a Certified Prescribed Burn Manager (CPBM) to be on site during the actual burn, as well as having an adequate crew, equipment, and firebreaks • Florida changed their liability standard from simple to gross negligence if all requirements are met; however, if regu-latory requirements are not met, simple D. Preparation of Area for Burning: 1. View nmsf-rx-burn-plan-example.doc from BIOLOGY E174 at Harvard University. E. Separate prescribed burn plans must be developed for each prescribed burn. I’m working on a writing question and need guidance to help me understand better. This section covers the components that should be included in any burn plan, and the items Example burn plan templates from var-ious states can be downloaded from the URLs. With no more leaf litter and shrubs to burn, the flames starved, and the Forest Service crew unraveled hose from the trucks to wet any remaining flames. The plan is the site-specific legal implementation document that provides the agency administrator the information needed to approve the prescribed fire II. 2. PRESCRIBED FIRE GO/NO-GO CHECKLIST (Prescribed Fire Plan, Element 2B) Preliminary Questions Circle YES or NO A. To show the success, or lack thereof, of a pre-scribed burn, a photograph can be taken before, directly after, and one year following the burn. If these parameters are not met, the The plan, a requirement under a state grant the commission received, has been 25 years in the making, Mr. Jakobsen said. Have a contingency plan for control if the fire should escape. Although a burn plan is not required to obtain an open burning permit from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA), the creation of a burn plan is strongly recommended for all prescribed burns. Create a Prescribed Burn Plan 1500 words. Fire Plan A. Map Attach a map of the burn unit with holding -line locations and type, prescribed wind direction, firing sequence, water sources, unit and surrounding fuels, and access routes delineated. For example: fires burn more rapidly uphill than downhill, fires burn faster and hotter the steeper the slope, and terrain can influence the direction and rate of fire spread. 3. This publication includes a burn Burn Plan assignment instructions Summary: You will write a Burn Plan for a parcel of land, following a template that will guide you to include all the elements that are the standard for writing a plan before conducting a prescribed burn in Texas. Example plans are available from Illinois Department of Natural Resources, or Natural Resources Conservation Services. Obtain and follow current regulations. A burn plan should always be developed for every proposed prescribed burn. plan. Alison Morrow talks to a fire ecologist about her round-the-clock duties on a prescribed fire. After Burn III. Prescribed fire: experts carefully plan for ignitions and perform operations ... Programs like this model potential fire behavior and effects in response to treatments. All prescription requisites met (preparation and day of burn). , PMS 484. Develop and implement a Prescribed Burn Plan 1 A Prescribed Burn Plan is a field document that includes specifics for conducting a particular burn treatment at a particular burn unit. Goals and site characteristics should dictate the prescription for a burn. And that requires geospatial data. A written burn plan should at minimum include the following: Purpose of the burn planning a prescribed burn. For example, bluebirds prefer an open canopy habitat that can be achieved with thinning out weaker trees. For example: fires burn more rapidly uphill than downhill, fires burn faster and hotter the steeper the slope, and terrain can influence the direction and rate of fire spread. MN DNR Prescribed Burn Unit Plan NA-01990-04 Burn Unit Name and ID: Holly 2 Prairie Bank County Name Lat/Long DMS Sec Twnshp Rng Forty Management Unit Name and Number Administrator Murray N 44 11 11 E 95 30 01 2 T108N R39W SW1/4 Center unit Eco Services - SNA Burn Unit Description An example prescribed burn plan is maintained in the 190-NRPH appendices. Purposes of this assignment: 1. The Northern California Prescribed Fire Council is a venue for practitioners, state and federal agencies, academic institutions, tribes, coalitions, and interested individuals to work collaboratively to promote, protect, conserve, and expand the responsible use of prescribed fire … Example of Negligent Action: The RXB has a duty to use reasonable care in carrying out the prescription set forth in the prescribed burn plan. The act of intentionally setting fire to an area in order to prevent more damaging fires. In addition, fire and fuels managers are working closely this year with air quality and public health authorities on prescribed burns due to COVID-19. Many states across the United States have a large percentage of public land, making statewide coordinated prescribed burn plans feasible. Following the example of a similar group in Michigan, the name “Wisconsin Prescribed Fire Council” was adopted. North and south aspects, for example, may have different fuel types and conditions depending on the time of year impacting spotfire growth and development. When approved as a VMP project, CAL FIRE assumes the liability for conducting the prescribed burn. PRESCRIBED FIRE BURN PLAN FS 117B HPR 2005/10 Mopup and Patrol Objectives All fires will be extinguished days after ignition. For example, prescribed burning does not compensate for poor land management practices such as overgrazing and habitat destruction, or, relative to deer management, lack of population management. The park has determined that no more than 1/3 of the total meadow acreage will be burned on an annual basis. Plan every aspect of a burn well in advance to develop an adequate fuel load (usually grass or tree leaves), prepare fireguards, gather … Prescribed Burn Plan Template (PDF; 419 KB) Basic Prescribed Burning Training Presentation . Prescribed Fire Name: Columbia Basin Reg. Local contacts made day of burn to advise (FHP, SO, Fire Dept., media, etc.) followed to plan and execute a safe and effective burn. Smoke and Traffic Safety Organizers plan to conduct the burn this week—tentatively Wednesday—although the timing will be determined by factors such as wind direction and humidity levels. Prescribed Fire Plan template Subject: Prescribe Fire Keywords: fuels management, prescribe fire , Rx, prescribe fire burn plan template, prescribe fire burn plan, Last modified by: Beth Sample Company: National Wildfire Coordinating Group Each prescribed fire is based on a burn plan that incorporates detailed management objectives, weather parameters, ignition techniques, and contingency plans. The Nature Conservancy may also be available to assist with planning or conducting prescribed fire activities. With wildfires still burning across California, most prescribed burning is on hold now. • Map and develop a plan for the area to be burned. Prescribed fire is highly recommended for wildlife habitat management where loblolly, shortleaf, longleaf, or slash pine is the primary overstory species. 7. termpapersite No Comment. Prescribed forest burning reduces forest fuels. Firebreaks and other site preparations are made. A proper burn plan should include a variety of different sections. Management Needed to Accomplish Prescribed Burning and Meet Objectives A. An Open Burning Permit must be obtained from the Illinois EPA. The management objectives you hope to accomplish with prescribed fire need to be outlined in your burn plan. Causation was established as this breach of duty was a STEPS TO CONDUCTING A PRESCRIBED BURN: • Obtain burn applicator certification. The importance of planning cannot be overemphasized. 3 Prescribed Burn Plan: A written plan that includes primary elements as required by KPFC. Prescribed Burn Plan Example. Although a burn plan is not required to obtain an open burning permit from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA), the creation of a burn plan is strongly recommended for all prescribed burns. Adult Persons Hand Tools Pumps Hose Heavy Equipment Other (total resources to be available and required for mop-up and patrol for Day 2 and onward) Patrol Plan F. PRESCRIBED BURN OPERATIONS (continued) However, this work discusses and recommends an approach for developing complete Army SMPs that align with the required What is a burn prescription? Have conditions in or adjacent to the ignition unit changed, (for example: drought conditions or fuel loadings), whichwere not considered in the prescription development? was negligent by for example, burning outside of the burn plan prescription, then the employee assumes their own liability. If ignition of the prescribed fire is not initiated prior to expiration date determined by the Agency Administrator, a new approval will be required. Planning should begin ahead of time because the overriding consideration in planning is SAFETY. Lab Report Sample 2. For example, rates of spread were slower and flame lengths were smaller than prescribed (Table 1). Accomplishments. Planning a Prescribed Burn. A burn plan is a must for anyone using prescribed fire because it identifies goal(s) for the burn, labor and equipment needs, fuel load and fuel type, acceptable wind direction(s), smoke management plan, ignition sequence(s), a map of the burn unit and more. Ranch November 13, 2007 ENERGY, MINERALS & NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT FORESTRY DIVISION, _ VMP Program Goals (Board of Forestry and Fire Protection) The goal of the Vegetation Management Program is to reduce the chance of large, damaging wildfires by reducing fire hazards on wildland in California. Agency Approval: Common elements within a prescribed burn plan are outlined in Table 3. A prescribed burn should have a defined purpose. : County: Riley Field No. A written and approved prescribed fire plan must exist and within the plan are detailed prescription parameters that must be followed. P˚ ˘˚˘ & E ˝ˇ˝ ˘ ˇ L ˙ ˜ ˛ B!˚˙˜ Prescribed Burning means the planned application of fire to natural or planted vegetative fuels under specified environmental conditions and following appropriate precau - tionary measures, which caused the fire to be confined to a predetermined area and accomplish the planned land management The DEC has been doing prescribed burns for many years, usually grassland burns. And prescribed burn teams actively work with air quality regulators to minimize smoke levels near populated areas. Regulations for prescribed burning are controlled by the Texas Air Control Board. A prescribed burn plan developed by a qualified burn boss must be in place before a burn is conducted. It is also a legal document that details 1 Modified from TNC’s Fire Management Manual. Burning is allowed between 4:00 p.m. and midnight as long as the burner takes proper precautions and attends the fire at all times. Wrap Up/Conclusion: This activity opens the students’ eyes to both the beneficial aspects of fires as well as the consequences associated with it. requirements, Prescribed Burn Plan elements, and internal and external notifications have been completed and expresses the Agency Administrator’s intent to implement the Prescribed Burn Plan. To plan a prescribed fire, NPS personnel must have a deep understanding of fire behavior, but they also need to know a lot about the landscape’s fire history, sensitive habitat, the locations of valuable buildings and other structures that need protecting, and the availability of firefighting resources. Fire behavior, fuels, and weather are monitored throughout the burn, and if the prescription parameters are exceeded the fire is “shut down”. Behind every prescribed fire is a fire ecologist who monitors weather conditions - such as maximum temperature and minimum humidity - throughout the day to ensure the fire stays within the prescribed burn plan. BURN CHECK LIST. For example, a burn prescription might require that the mid- flame wind speed be less than 12 mph and average flame lengths must range from 1 to 8 feet. 3. The Roger Mills Prescribed Burn Association, formed in 2005, is one of the earliest. Example of a burning permit that must be obtained from the local fi re chief before 2. 1. A well-written burn plan can help reduce liability risk, which is a major concern for most people conducting prescribed burns. The DEC has been doing prescribed burns for … • Arrange for equipment and personnel. But by the end of December, Hernandez said he aims to burn 2,000 acres on the Sierra’s western slopes just south of Yosemite. The plan is the site-specific legal implementation document that provides the agency administrator the information needed to approve the prescribed fire plan, and the prescribed fire burn boss the information needed to implement the prescribed fire plan. The Army already has the basic framework for developing SMPs within the installation-level In-tegrated Wildland Fire Management Plan that requires information on smoke management. This plan is an omnibus plan and is … Adjacent landowners notified within past seven days of plan to burn. Prescribed Burn Prescribed burning in forestry Prescribed burning in vegetation management Prescribed burning in habitat management Resources Prescribed burns (sometimes also called controlled burns or prescribed fires) involve the controlled burning of vegetation by fires to achieve some desired management effect. Grassy areas on the property are, Although warm-season prescribed burning is becoming more popular, in Texas prescribed burning is usually This objec-tive is necessary to evaluate the success of the burn. ILM will notify the local fire department and emergency dispatchers on the day of the burn. prescribed burns would occur within designated burn units on the Apalachicola and Wakulla Districts on two to three rotations over a (5) five-year period. A certified prescribed burn manager must be on-site to supervise the burn. Fire behavior. The plans that day called for their first hands-on prescribed burn, at a pie-shaped piece of land near Ichauway’s skeet range. The prescribed burn plan should be reviewed in advance of the burn day. P˚ ˘˚˘ & E ˝ˇ˝ ˘ ˇ L ˙ ˜ ˛ B!˚˙˜ Prescribed Burning means the planned application of fire to natural or planted vegetative fuels under specified environmental conditions and following appropriate precau - tionary measures, which caused the fire to be confined to a predetermined area and accomplish the planned land management A written prescribed burn plan must be completed before every prescribed burn and provide reasonable assurance that the prescribed burn will be confined to the predetermined area and conducted in a manner that will accomplish the land management objectives. first step in any prescribed burn is the develop-ment of a burn plan, also called a prescription, which describes not only site preparation and the exact conditions for the burn, but also includes a contingency plan for responding to an escape. Have the plan notarized at least ten days prior to the burning date. Periodic prescribed burns prevent heavy fuel accumulation that would send a larger amount of smoke into the air should an uncontrolled wildfire occur. Dig very deep into your burn plan and run all scenarios through the ‘what if?’ game even if you have tried to burn … firelines. : B Legal Desc. He or she can create a written burn plan specific to your property and management objectives and will obtain the required burn permit before performing the burn. 2 Rx burn Ignition Unit Name: North Potholes, Frenchman Prescribed Fire Plan 9 of 52 On-Site Fuels: The prescribed fire units consist of predominately Cattails, Phragmites, and Bulrush. Rx Burn Plan ? A Prescribed Burn Association (PBA) is a group of landowners and other concerned citizens that form a partnership to conduct prescribed burns. For one, prescribed burns release nutrients into the soil, which stimulates forage regrowth. Before Burn B. The Prescribed Fire Plan, PMS 484-1, is supplemental to the Interagency Prescribed Fire Planning and Implementation Procedures Guide, PMS 484. Other on-site fuels are comprised of various brushes and grass openings throughout the prescribed fire units. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Louisville District, conducted a prescribed burn at the McAlpine Locks and Dam, Louisville, Kentucky, April 5, 2018, as a tool to recreate the natural role of fire in the environment. McCreedy said officials at the Huron-Manistee National Forest have used them before to mitigate future dangers from wildfires. The qualified prescribed fire Burn Boss/prescribed fire manager/Incident Commander does not have the authority to make prescription changes. This is intended only as an example and can be modified as necessary. A burn plan can be used to show the amount of diligence and care used in planning and conducting the burn if some type of liability issue occurs. I know sometimes budget has a huge part in it. As you might expect, a thorough prescribed fire plan is … Do My Assignment Sample 2. Please refer to the Manual for specific details in The plan, a requirement under a state grant the commission received, has been 25 years in the making, Ms. Jakobsen said. ... e-FIRE – An interactive video course designed for landowners and those new to prescribed fire to learn how to plan, conduct, and evaluate a burn. Custom Essay Writing Example 1. between burn types on the ADEQ Burn Plan Form by including a “B” for broadcast, and “P” for piles, at the end of the burn number. Other on-site fuels are comprised of various brushes and grass openings throughout the prescribed fire units. prescribed burn. This allows time to arrange for equipment, personnel, and the installation of the firebreaks. The proposed action would burn between 90,000 and 150,000 acres annually. A burn plan can be short or long, depending on the complexity of the proposed burn and the desires of the burn boss. Prescribed fire is essential for healthy forests and can help reduce (though not eliminate) heavy smoke exposure and other risks from wildfire. The purpose of a burn plan is to provide a description of the burn area, target weather conditions, hazards that may be encountered, personnel needs and safety, and contacts to make prior to burning. In the last eight to 10 years, they have done woodland burns in places like Rocky Point. A Prescribed Burn Manager must be on site during all GFC Prescribed Burn Assistance services until the prescribed burn is completed. As reported on the prescribed burn entry form for 2015–2016 on the Oklahoma Prescribed Burn Association . ! 2 Rx burn Ignition Unit Name: North Potholes, Frenchman Prescribed Fire Plan 9 of 52 On-Site Fuels: The prescribed fire units consist of predominately Cattails, Phragmites, and Bulrush. B. Variables Relative Humidity 25-60 Wind direction N, S, or any easterly Wind Speed (midflame) 1-10 ... was much less intense than prescribed. These include appropriate education, experience, goals or objectives, adequate burn plan, site preparation, proper weather, labor, equipment, ignition sequence, smoke management, and mop-up.When a person conducts a burn, they should appropriately address all of … The process to plan a prescribed fire takes months to plan. It is important to emphasize that the prepared plan is specific to the area and the planned burning season. purpose Fire has … Every prescribed fire has a comprehensive burn plan that identifies, or prescribes, the best conditions to burn unwanted forest debris, trees, and other plants to safely achieve the desired results. A burn plan should always be developed for every proposed prescribed burn. For example, in 1990 Florida passed the Prescribed Burning Act, which is nationally recognized as landmark legislation that protects a landowner’s right to use fire as a management tool. Periodic fire is beneficial for understory species that provide browse for wildlife. 1. Members pool equipment and resources, and they help one another on burn day. Prescribed forest burning is a valuable tool for maintaining a healthy forest and reducing risks to public safety. That will add to the nearly 125,000 acres of managed fires on national forests in California so far this year. Develop a Prescribed Burn Plan for each tract you wish to burn and submit to NC Forest Service. A copy of this plan should be available on site and reviewed by all personnel who are assisting. For example, at this monitoring site, fire effects became less severe after mechanical thinning, and even less severe after a prescribed burn on the site. A burning permit must be obtained from the MFC on the burn … Local ordinances may be more restrictive and must be followed. of Natural Resources Other titles: MN DNR Prescribed Burn Plan NA-01990- The following contract has been modified from the Conservancy’s standard contract for services to include provisions specific to hiring a contractor to perform a prescribed burn, and/or to draft a prescribed burn plan on behalf of the Conservancy. Per burn insurance is available. We make every reasonable attempt to notify all potentially impacted neighbors of the date and time of the prescribed burn. The 4 PM Burning Law bans open-air burning prior to 4:00 p.m. if the fire is within 300 feet of the woods or dry grass which could carry fire to the woods. A written burn plan must be prepared and notarized before the burn day. A prescribed burn organization is defined as “an entity established for the purpose of promoting the use of prescribed burning as a tool for land management.” The members of a prescribed burn association are afforded statutory limited liability when conducting burns if two conditions are met. using prescribed fire, in conjunction with mowing, herbicide application, haying, grazing, and/or seeding, as a management tool. Contact your local Extension agent, Extension forestry specialist, or a registered forester to help locate a certified prescribed-burn manager in your area. For example, prescribed burning does not compensate for poor land management practices such as overgrazing and habitat destruction, or, relative to deer management, lack of population management. Local, state, and fire department authorities may require a burn plan, smoke management plan, and weather monitoring for complex burning operations that are subject to smoke permits or local burn permits. Likewise, a survey of landowners burning with Prescribed Burn Associations in the southern Great Plains found that from 1995–2012, on 1,094 prescribed burns collectively covering nearly 500,000 acres there were 224 spotfires (20 percent) and 16 escapes (1.5 percent), ranging from less than 0.1 to 2,000 acres in size.

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