list of dictators in africa

This Southern African independence fighter was a famed Zimbabwean ruler who was president from 1980-2017. Continent subregions ... Africa: Middle Africa Historic African dictators were very powerful and extremely wealthy men during eras when Africa’s economy was in stagnation or decline and marred with poverty. However, it was the modern history dictators who made it virtually a synonym for gross human rights violations and brutality. The richest men in Africa in recent history may well have been some of its former dictators and presidents, including Sani Abacha and Mobuto Sese Seko. The regime of most of these African dictators was … See the interactive map and filterable list of photos below or click to visit the current dictators . A new assessment was made for 2004. Reload page for original sort order. Here are the top five most ruthless African dictators that ever lived. Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo has been ruling the tiny, oil-rich West African nation since overthrowing his uncle Marcias in August, 1979, in a bloody palace coup. This type of government can have some advantages such as: fast decision making due to a lack of bureaucracy and low crime rates. There are currently 49 dictatorships and authoritarian regime in the world (21 in Africa, 18 in Asia, 7 in the Middle East, 1 in Europe and 2 in Americas). Africa's top 10 'big men' President Omar Bongo of Gabon died this week after nearly 42 years in power - who inherits his title as Africa's longest-serving leader? Saddam Hussein ruled Iraq as its president from 1979 to 2003. 1) Mao Tse-Tung – 1893-1976. The BBC's Peter Lewenstein has compiled a list - in reverse order, by length of continuous time in office - of the 10 African heads of state who have stood the test of time. Many African leaders take office as a democratic leader but often times, the hunger for power drives them to become dictators. For the leaders of authoritarian state, nothing is better than a “democratic” election to establish their legitimacy. Yoweri Museveni in 1986 is known to have called the then Organisation of African Unity, “a trade union of dictators”. Post colonization, Africa has been led by varying personalities. There have been dictators in history who, as it turns out, have been quite nice. 20 April 1889, Austrian, German. Leadership Styles : Dictatorship You've probably run across a dictator in your life. Once in power, dictators typically do not call themselves dictators but instead choose to refer to themselves as presidents, prime ministers, chancellors or monarchs. Historically, leadership in Africa was based on conquest and monarchy and then colonialism. Most of the African dictators emerged from volatile political systems and used military and ruthless tactics to gain power for themselves. Mao Zedong or Mao Tse-Tung said to be the founding father of People’s republic of china, the most brutal dictator ever in history. One of the world’s most notorious dictators, Idi Amin was the third President of Uganda from 1971 to 1979. This list of regimes lists the results of regime-classification schemes from political science literature, including Polity data series and the Democracy-Dictatorship Index. Last year, Parade Magazine reported The 10 Worst Living Dictators (David Wallechinsky, The 10 Worst Living Dictators, Parade). Subscribe: // TIMESTAMPS BELOWBe sure to visit our Suggest Tool and Submit Ideas that you would like to see made into Top 10 videos! Considering his brief five-year reign, this makes Abacha one of the most corrupt leader in history, and certainly the richest in Africa. Many dictators use their power to be oppressive, and so many people think that being oppressive is a requirement for being a dictator, but that is not the case. Many of these leaders, including Joseph Stalin … It should be noted that this is often the case for military dictatorships. at Discogs. From the uprising in Tunisia to the overthrow of Egypt's Hosni Mubarak and rebellion across the region, the tide is turning against oppressive regimes. Idi Amin Dada of Uganda tops the list. This article was updated in 2019 to include additional content. Any controversy surrounding such characterisation is mentioned in the notes. [#image: /photos/5909586d019dfc3494e9ee8f] Thinking back on media coverage of sub-Saharan Africa this past year, including some events that made my top-ten list of the major Africa … He was also ranked 19th in Parade Magazine’s Top 20 list of “The World’s Worst Dictators”. Forbes magazine has been hard at work with its calculators to reveal Africa’s 40 richest people – but the list has been scrubbed clean of any dictators. Language; Watch; Edit (Redirected from List of people assassinated in Africa) This article needs additional citations for verification. planet rulers, the editors maintain a comprehensive list of the current world dictators and authoritarian regimes. 1. The ten films on this list, including one documentary, one mini-series and one fictional biopic, show the role of dictators throughout history as well as their own personal struggles. Here is a list of African warlords with the most outrageous and heinous inhumane acts ever witnessed. Our Very … Terrible things have been done in the name of socialism and here are some of the most rigorous dictators. Bellow is the list of the Current Worst 10 Tyrants in Africa STUCK in power; 1.Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, Equatorial Guinea, 37 years in power. The regime of most of these African dictators was marked by horror, terror, chaos, and bloodshed. Gilad Rom / (Multi-license with GFDL and Creative Commons CC-BY 2.5) Kim Il Sung is responsible for the deaths of at least 1.6 million political opponents and civilians through starvation, and invading South Korea. Poverty in Africa is the lack of provision to satisfy the basic human needs of certain people in Africa.African nations typically fall toward the bottom of any list measuring small size economic activity, such as income per capita or GDP per capita, despite a wealth of natural resources. 7 Saparmurat Niyazov ($3 billion) Turkmenistan's Niyazov was one of the most repressive and autocratic dictators the … Top 10 Worst African Dictators of All Time: Africa has seen the most worst African dictators of all time. Described as one of the last of the great dictators of the 20th century, his regime caused the deaths of at least 250,000 Iraqis. They can kill and starve their people with impunity while lining their own pockets. As of today, there are 50 dictatorships in the world (19 in Sub-Saharan Africa, 12 in the Middle East and North Africa, 8 in Asia-Pacific, 7 in Eurasia, 3 in Americas and 1 in Europe). ... the world's attention has shifted to problems in central Africa almost overnight. Regardless of how they came to power, these people are regarded as the worst dictators in Africa. Setting out to make a list involving the best and worst war films about conflict in Africa, we discovered that the list contains two types of films: Movies with White heroes using Africa as an exotic backdrop and documentaries about Africans committing … October 11th, 2012 NewsRescue- In this list prepared by Juan Carlos, the unusuals include, Nigeria’s dictator from the Middle Belt, the young Christian general Yakubu Gowon who, together with his army general, ex president, Olusegun Obasanjo, led the infamous Biafra assault. With KONY 2012 going viral, here's a list of some African despots you might have forgotten about. Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin ruled Soviet Union as dictator from 1920 to 1953. Dictators have absolute power over their state and usually do not come to power through free constitutional elections. Africa on the top of the world’s worst despots list 2 Jun 23 A United States based think tank, Foreign Policy/Fund for Peace has ranked President Mugabe as the second worse despots in the world after North Korean Kim Jongil. Sheikh Hasina is the only female dictator to stand in the world’s top worst dictators list. But a series of leaders and dictators from the Soviet Union to China to Cuba would label their governments as communist. Top 10 dictators in Africa 2021. Mengitsu is even known to have garroted people to death. As noted by Curtis Bell in a previous post for this series, dictators may be caught off guard by a sudden loss. Kim Il Sung. The irony is of course that he has become an ardent member of the same trade union he used to malign back when he rode the moral high wave. One thing that has prevented Africa from prospering is its clique of dictators. To ensure basing access from Central America to Africa, Asia to the Middle East, U.S. officials have repeatedly collaborated with fiercely anti-democratic regimes and militaries implicated in torture, murder, the suppression of democratic rights, the systematic oppression of women and minorities, and numerous other human rights abuses. Otherwise those included have been widely cited by historians or described by the Mass media as dictators. As a conclusion to this post, despite all the African hullabaloo and even though Africa dominates the list of The World's Worst Dictators for 2007, I think Europe still has the worst record acts against humanity. Following colonialism, dictatorship continued in many parts of Africa. In August 2014, Barack and Michelle held what has been appropriately dubbed The Monster’s Ball in the White House in which he feted evil African dictators known for their cruelty to their own people. Come Back, Africa chronicles the life of Zachariah, a black South African living under the rule of the harsh apartheid government in 1959. Get to know the top ten Africa dictatorship countries and their respective leaders below. Read on to find out more about them. Paul Biya has the dubious honour of ranking nineteenth on author David Wallechinsky's 2006 list of the world's 20 worst living dictators. Indeed, that kind of authoritarian environment is quite common in Africa. Quo Vadis (Mervyn LeRoy, 1951) Of the many historical epic of classic Hollywood, Quo Vadis was one of the largest scaled and most elaborately produced. Here is a list of 10 dictators of Africa formerly saviors of their countries. This is a list of 10 world dictators who killed the most people. Though most North Koreans’ quality of life is terrible, no detectable undercurrent is pushing for a democratic uprising. Africa has an eternal dance of people who were revolutionary who freed their people, those that became the modern day messiah’s only to enslave the very people that they were bound to save. Having had a hand in the deaths of between 1.6 and 2 million Cambodians, Pol Pot comfortably makes the list of most brutal dictators of all time. Despite their darker moments, they were benevolent, caring, and progressive. Jean-Bédel Bokassa 22 February 1921 – 3 November 1996), also known as Bokassa I of Central Africa and Salah Eddine Ahmed Bokassa, was the ruler of the Central African Republic and its successor state, the Central African Empire, from his coup d'état on 1 January 1966 until overthrown in a subsequent coup (supported by France) on 20 September 1979. This is a List of 10 Modern Dictators who were, or are, amazingly insane. Here, we’ve made a list of ten such dictators who weren’t all that evil but worked to uplift their country and its people. 10. Saddam was deposed in 2003 when a U.S led coalition invaded Iraq. 16. He was responsible for the disappearance and detention of journalists and was responsible for up to 1,000 Gambians … The reality, however, can be very different to this ideal. Some of these dictators were notorious leaders, and some have led their country towards economic prosperity while others started … Hitler sits in 3rd position in the list of top 10 brutal dictators of world. Dictators rule countries undemocratically and usually until death, crushing the opposition. The concept of dictatorship, as well as the use of force and systemic persecution of political opponents to stay in power, dates back to the ancient Roman civilization. ROBERT MUGABE (ZIMBABWE: 1987-PRESENT) oldest presidents in africa. Africa has an eternal dance of people whose revolutionary acts freed their people, those that became the modern-day messiah’s only to enslave the very people that they were bound to save. To these dictators, violence was their biggest weapon and a means to an end. Born poor, the 95-year-old ex-president died rich in September 2019. But behind this encouraging […] Many of Africa’s government have been incessantly marred with corruption scandals. The continent has seen some of the world’s worst dictators. VERNON Mwaanga has called for an Africa that will earn the respect of its citizens and the world. The following is a list of national leaders (Heads of state and/or Head of government) commonly regarded as modern dictators. Jan 31, 2021 - Explore cheick oumar diarrah's board "African Dictators", followed by 222 people on Pinterest. Regardless of how they came into power, these people are regarded as the worst dictators in Africa. Sub-Saharan Africa’s last absolute monarch presides over a country which has one of the world's highest HIV prevalence rates: ver 35 percent of adults. List Of African Dictators And Their Countries Below we present you a top 10 list of African doctors still in power as of 2018 and their countries. The 2004 list includes a number of up-and-comers, notably Swaziland’s King Mswati III, who is the youngest dictator on the list at age 35, as well as Africa’s only remaining constitutional monarch. Another great read: 10 Wealthiest African Politicians. Dictators have brought incomparable devastation on the many of the nations they have ruled, and upon many of the states neighboring theirs. To compile this year's list, at least one more prominent Dictator can be added without a doubt. The magazine, which calls the list of dictators "the committee to destroy the world", also lists Zimbabwe as the fourth most failed state in the world, only three places behind war torn Somalia. These days, Africa has the longest line-up of strong men - Angola, Zaire, Liberia, Malawi, Ghana, Somalia - and that just begins the list. Charles Taylor 10. Kim Jong-Il (1.6 million deaths) Kim Jong-il in 2010. Robert Gabriel Mugabe is the current President of Zimbabwe and one of the oldest dictators in Africa. But, … At the time of this writing, there are 50 dictatorships in the world. Like the political leaders the name is borrowed from, dictators tend to keep decision-making power and most critical knowledge to themselves. Good governance is gaining ground in Africa, but unfortunately it is happening at snail’s pace. But you will never guess who made it to, “Business Insiders” list of the worlds most brutal dictators: 1. When it comes to some of the most ruthless people on Earth, you will find them on the top of some African countries. Dictatorships occur when the head of government has absolute control over every aspect of public and private actions. His policies and rule killed and caused the death of as many as 49 million which tops the list of brutality and evil. Last year, Parade Magazine reported The 10 Worst Living Dictators (David Wallechinsky, The 10 Worst Living Dictators, Parade). Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Among various troubles that African counties face daily, their dictators have to be the worst one. Famous dictators fight list. Even … Yoweri Museveni in 1986 is known to have called the then Organisation of African Unity, “a trade union of dictators”. ““Through his association with the NBA & its efforts in Africa, Kagame joins a long list of dictators & authoritarian leaders who manipulate sports in an attempt to whitewash their reputations abroad, as well as to further their political agendas a process known as sportswashing.”” Characteristics of Dictatorship Here is a list of typical characteristics of a dictator: No questions asked. In fact, dictators and warlords are more likely to die of old age or disease than at the hands of an enraged populace or sneaky assassin, according … Here is a comprehensive, up-to-date list of the current world dictators and authoritarian regimes. We often assume that autocracy in Africa survives because rulers cleverly use the sticks and carrots at their disposal, in part to manipulate ethnic divisions to shape election outcomes. A dictator is a political leader who possesses absolute power.A dictatorship is a state ruled by one dictator or by a small clique. has always tried to free itself. Top 20 Dictators in Africa. List in 2008. Colonel Gaddafi As of today, there are 50 dictatorships in the world (19 in Sub-Saharan Africa, 12 in the Middle East and North Africa, 8 in Asia-Pacific, 7 … Anyway, earlier today we posted T.O. List of assassinations in Africa. Share. Here are the ten most effective dictators in the art of getting elected on indisputable elections scores.

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