hoi4 cold war mod ideology tags

Setting the Mod later would also better accommodate the mood of how this is the ending of this Cold War as it would give Germany and Japan more time to either modernize, fall further, and the US to be something more in the position to "win" the Cold War as the Mod team has established as the most likely endstate. Base cost in PP of breaking a truce by joining a war or accepting a call to war (you cannot declare war yourself until the truce if up), this is then multiplied by the time left on the truce (so once half the truce is up it only cost 50% of this) BASE_PEACE_PUPPET_FACTOR: 100: Base factor for puppet in %. Hey you! Alternative History | The New Order: Last Days of Europe | The year is 1962, and Europe rests under the jackboot. Cold War Iron Curtain: A World Divided ATTENTION: ADDING THIS IN ADD_PARTY_POPULARITY ONLY EFFECT THE PARTY POPULARITY, NOT THE REPRESENTATIVE/ SENATE SEATS IN PARLIAMENT. The closest replica possible of one is dynamic modifiers, explained down in the article, which support Variables as the value of a modifier. War support defines - Can both be added as the negative effect (sub-50% war support) or positive effect (pro-50% war support ) Note that Modifiers do not support if statements . Do you want to play as the capitalist "pig" liberal democrat in HOI4? World War II has been over for twenty years, but its legacy still lives on. HOI4 Guide: The ideology ID (including mod) By Soldat The II. BASE_PEACE_LIBERATE_FACTOR: 100 The German Reich reigns supreme from the Atlantic sea to the once great city of Moscow, ruling Europe with an iron fist.

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